CP and aging
(too old to reply)
2009-03-26 14:44:15 UTC
Does anybody know of a group/forum that deals with senior citizens with
cerebral palsy? I have looked but haven't found any.
Thanks for ANY information.
Dancing Fingers
2009-03-27 12:46:22 UTC
Post by Sturge
Does anybody know of a group/forum that deals with senior citizens with
cerebral palsy?  I have looked but haven't found any.
Thanks for ANY information.
What's scary to me, at 51, is how many of my friends with CP have
passed on, at or below my age. Choking on food, my biggest fear, took
the Chair of our CIL (early 50's) several years ago and my other
friend had an operation, to relieve tension, then fell and never fully
recovered. I think she died of pnueonia at 48. I keep working out
and hope for the best.

2009-04-09 00:10:07 UTC
Has there been any kind of study on what is the most common cause of death
among CP victims? I'm wondering if it's choking.
Post by Sturge
Does anybody know of a group/forum that deals with senior citizens with
cerebral palsy? I have looked but haven't found any.
Thanks for ANY information.
What's scary to me, at 51, is how many of my friends with CP have
passed on, at or below my age. Choking on food, my biggest fear, took
the Chair of our CIL (early 50's) several years ago and my other
friend had an operation, to relieve tension, then fell and never fully
recovered. I think she died of pnueonia at 48. I keep working out
and hope for the best.


Susan Moskowitz
2009-03-27 19:35:11 UTC
Post by Sturge
Does anybody know of a group/forum that deals with senior citizens with
cerebral palsy?  I have looked but haven't found any.
Thanks for ANY information.
You might consider joining the C-PALSY email mailing list hosted
by ICORS.org. Although this group does not focus on senior citizens
the vast majority of the members are adults (of all ages) and the
issue of aging with cp is discussed fairly often. The easiest way to
join is to do a google web search for C-PALSY (capitalized or
lowercase) and follow the resulting links. If you decide to join the
list, just post an introductory post and then ask any questions or
raise any issues you want to discuss.

Alfred Matej
2009-03-28 07:02:38 UTC
Post by Susan Moskowitz
Post by Sturge
Does anybody know of a group/forum that deals with senior citizens with
cerebral palsy? I have looked but haven't found any.
Thanks for ANY information.
You might consider joining the C-PALSY email mailing list hosted
by ICORS.org. Although this group does not focus on senior citizens
the vast majority of the members are adults (of all ages) and the
issue of aging with cp is discussed fairly often. The easiest way to
join is to do a google web search for C-PALSY (capitalized or
lowercase) and follow the resulting links. If you decide to join the
list, just post an introductory post and then ask any questions or
raise any issues you want to discuss.
How active is that listserv?
Susan Moskowitz
2009-03-31 05:35:59 UTC
Post by Sturge
Does anybody know of a group/forum that deals with senior citizens with
cerebral palsy?  I have looked but haven't found any.
Thanks for ANY information.
     You might consider joining the C-PALSY email mailing list hosted
by ICORS.org. Although this group does not focus on senior citizens
the vast majority of the members are adults (of all ages) and the
issue of aging with cp  is discussed fairly often.  The easiest way to
join is to do a google web search for C-PALSY (capitalized or
lowercase) and follow the resulting links.  If you decide to join the
list, just post an introductory post and then ask any questions or
raise any issues you want to discuss.
How active is that listserv?- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
It varies,but it is almost always more active then this group
2009-03-30 16:48:29 UTC
Thanks for the advice on the list. I'm now a member also and will see what
Post by Sturge
Does anybody know of a group/forum that deals with senior citizens with
cerebral palsy? I have looked but haven't found any.
Thanks for ANY information.
You might consider joining the C-PALSY email mailing list hosted
by ICORS.org. Although this group does not focus on senior citizens
the vast majority of the members are adults (of all ages) and the
issue of aging with cp is discussed fairly often. The easiest way to
join is to do a google web search for C-PALSY (capitalized or
lowercase) and follow the resulting links. If you decide to join the
list, just post an introductory post and then ask any questions or
raise any issues you want to discuss.

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